Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Little Tikes revival!

When Matthew was about a year or so old, I got him a Little Tikes table and chairs for like eating and stuff. I got it at a garage sale for like $3; it wasn't perfect but it suited our needs. After 4 years, 3 moves and 3 kids including the Desctructor named Alexander (who decided it needed a little more color) it was a little worse for wear. It was still useful, just horrible looking, so I didn't know what to do. After seeing some people on Pinterest decoupaging small things, it hit me, why not on a larger scale? So I dug out all of my scrap John Deere fabric that I had left over from when I made all of his bedroom stuff and went to it.

The crayon would NOT come off!

I used spray adhesive to attach the fabric to the table, Modge Podge to seal up any seams and the top for a durable/cleanable surface.; then sprayed the whole thing with acrylic sealer. The chairs were also colored all over, but too hard to cover, so I cleaned them up as best I could. Since they were already yellow, they worked great for the JD theme!

Here's the finished product!

Here are the boys enjoying their "new" table!
Goes great with the curtains!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How has your table held up? Not covering with vinyl is so much easier, but I just wonder about the durability. Thanks for the inspiration!