Saturday, December 10, 2011

Awana Grand Prix 2001

I am way behind LOL. Matthew had his Awana Grand Prix back in October. This was his first time doing it and he was really excited. He wanted is car to look like Lightening McQueen from Cars (of course) . Papa came in real handy in helping with this project as I had NO IDEA on how to do it. He taught Gaelan all kinds of wood working stuff when he was Matthew's age, so I know Matthew would learn a lot and have fun doing it
Here they are starting on the shape of the car. Papa penciled the outline and then they used the drimel to shape it, He made it very clear that Matthew was doing the work, and he was just guiding him when needed.
After shaping, some sanding.
After an hour or so, here's their finished work
Now some fine sanding/prepping for painting.
Ready for the paint job!
Getting ready to do some heavy sanding, looks like Luke Skywalker flying an X-wing LOL
Of course Alexander had to be involved too, so Papa and Bubba made him a car to "work on" too LOL
Intently sanding
On to the painting
After some trial and error on how to get all the details done. I created decals with sticker paper and we Modge Podge it.
Here's Matthew's car!
On your Mark!
Get set, GO!! I couldn't get any good pics of the cars racing, I only had Gaelan's iPhone.
He won several individual races, but didn't end up placing, but he did get 2nd place overall in design!
the blue flower car got 1st in design.
He was very excited with all he did, and we were really proud of him!

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