Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just for Fun!

Here are just some random pics and videos that I thought I would share!

Alexander trying out the rocking horse, not near as into as his brother was. Click Here to see Matthew on this horsey.

He was finally popping out a tooth, hence the wetness. He was chewing a toy/paci called a raspberry, just upside down. LOL

Playing with Bubba, he loves to be around Matthew, and Matthew him, usually.
Matthew decided to build a wall around Alexander, to keep him in his room, hehe, not that it was gonna work very well.

Here's a video of Alexander just going crazy jumping in his Jumperoo, and try to picture him going even more, because he was before I got the camera out!

Here's a video of Alexander's temper, he doesn't do it so dramatically here as he usually does, but you can see him lift his arms, clench his fists and face and yell. He does this a lot when he's frustrated and mad, all Gaelan and I can do is laugh, it's just so funny. HEHE

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