Sunday, March 11, 2007

Part-Job or Part-time Mom?

Sorry it has been a while since I last made an entry, but things have been very hectic around here!! Due to some financial need in our family I had to get a part-time job. I struggled with this very much because I love staying at home with Matthew and making sure that the house is clean and all the other stuff that goes along with staying at home. I worried about how Matthew would handle not spending as much time with me and what kind of job I would get and if we could afford day-care. Well I got a job at a day care. It is an answer to prayer for me to have this job, but at the same time very difficult. Matthew is in another class of course and he throws a fit every time I drop him off. I work in the Nursery (0-12 months), so instead of taking care of my baby, I take care of others all day. I work from 1:30pm to 6:30pm, this schedule makes it very difficult to get a lot of things done. Not much time to go grocery shopping before work and too late after work. It is very exhausting taking care of 10 babies all day, so I am very tired when I get home and don't have the energy to cook or do other chores, I just want to spend time with Matthew and go to bed. I know that Millions of mothers have full time jobs and it works for them, that is great and I don't have anything against that, it just doesn't work for us; but I guess I will have to make it work for now. I am trying to find an at home job, but that has proven difficult since I don't want to sell anything, call people, or start my own business. Gaelan has a friend whose boss' wife works at home, so he is going to see if I could get in on it; she does some kind of data entry from home and makes decent money at it. So please pray that this is something that might work out for me!!! Well sorry to complain so here's what else has been going on. Matthew got really sick, we had to take him to the ER on Sunday because he had a fever of 101.5. He had never had a fever before and I had given him Ibuprofen, but it didn't help, so it scared me a bit. We were there for 7 hours!! And while we were waiting his fever spiked to 103.5!!! He had yet another ear infection, we had just gotten over one a week earlier. And of course since we are now in day care, he will be getting sick more often. He is doing great though, growing like a weed!! He is now 20lbs!! He is very mischievous, in to everything and loves getting into trouble!! He is so much fun, he will be walking soon. He gets behind things and pushes it and walks. He also has quite a temper. When we try to change his diaper, he stiffens his legs and arches his back; it is a task to change his diaper and put clothes on him!! So that's pretty much it for now. I will try to keep up with this!! Here are some Pics!!!

Of course doing something that he isn't supposed to be doing!

Momma and Matthew not feeling well.

We love this Horsey from Mamaw!!
Gitty Up Horsey!

Momma worried about Matthew's fever, you can tell he didn't feel Good!!

He just passed out after having his bottle, poor baby!

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