Thursday, November 25, 2010

1st Solo Thanksgiving!

This year we stayed home and had a great Thanksgiving just the 4 of us. Gaelan's parents went up to Dallas to see the Grandparents and we couldn't go because Gaelan had to work both Wed and Friday. It wasn't so bad. Kind of nice, we have never had a Holiday just us since we've been together. I cooked my first Thanksgiving feast and we had a great time hanging out.

Matthew had the whole week off from school, so we did some crafts to help fill the time.

We colored some Thanksgiving Pictures
(Matthew took these 2 pictures himself)

Then a Pumpkin Turkey with the little pumpkin we got from the patch.

Proud of his creation

On Thanksgiving day we made Pilgrim hats with Daddy.

Great Job Daddy!


My sweet Pilgrim

Daddy getting Alexander ready for his 1st Thanksgiving.

Not real thrilled with the hat.

Happy 1st Thanksgiving Alexander!!

Cutie Boys!

The place mat Matthew made a couple of weeks ago.

My first Thanksgiving Feast. I actually did pretty well!

Gaelan cutting the Turkey

Alexander sitting at the table for the 1st time.

Enjoying our meal

Eating his first table food, Turkey, he LOVED it!!

it was a great, relaxing fun day. We played with the boys, played some Wii with Matthew and just enjoyed each other. We are so blessed and so very thankful for all God has given us!

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