Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Yep, it's that time of year again. The weather is getting colder, things are looking more festive, and our wallets/bank accounts are getting skinnier! LOL Thought I would share how were are going with the season.

Our tree is trimmed and stockings hung.

My cutie Boys!

That was has the best I could get out of Alexander, he hasn't been in the Christmas spirit lately, I think he might be getting another tooth.

He does love my angel snow globe though, he just lights up everytime he sees it!

Most of y'all remember that we made Snowmen ornaments last year for friends and family, well this year its Gingerbread men!

and Women too!

Merry Christmas to all. Hope a pray that everyone has a blessed holiday and stays safe and warm!

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