Friday, September 9, 2011

!8 Months!

I have been meaning to do this for a while, but the day I was gonna do it, Gaelan's Mom got put in the hospital and things have been crazy ever since. She is better now, Thank God! So we are getting back to normal around here, LOL

So he's 18 months(actually now 19, but all well)
He is doing more and more, not as fast Matthew did everything, but that's ok.
Enjoying some family time at Chuck E Cheese

He is talking more and more as you will see in the video.
There are a few new words that aren't on the video
* No- he says it so cute,
*Daddy- well actually DA-EE, but you know what he means and its so funny!

When it comes to eating this boy ain't slow! He now has mastered the use of a spoon!
He loves his Bubba very much. There was an adjustment period for him when Matthew went to school. He'd wake up and say "Bubba?" and go to his room and bed looking for him, but he has gotten used to it. He gets very excited when I tell him it's time to go get Bubba and the minute that Matthew gets in the van he holds his hand out and yells with such happiness "Bubba!" He then follows Matthew around until it's time for bed LOL.

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