Thursday, July 28, 2011

Alexander's First Swim

Earlier in June I took the boys to the local pool for some fun. This was Alexander's first time ever in a pool. At first in the floaty he hated it, just cried and cried, even when I took him out of it and just carried him around, he continued to cry. I was about to give up, but then decided to try to make it like a bath(which he has seldom done, since we don't have a tub, he gets showered in the kitchen sink). I sat him down on a step that put the water just over his legs. He settled down but was still very uneasy. I showed him to splash and he slowly got used to it. I would try to get him to stand up and try to pull him off the step and he wouldn't have it. Then they made us get out for a break. After the break he was more willing to get in, and by the end of the day, I had to keep a tight hand and eye on him or he would just take off! Now he loves the water!!!

Splash Splash!

Getting braver!

Big Splash!

Having a blast now!!
Floating with Momma!

some great sugar!
Chillin' with Momma!

Later on that week I bought the kids a little pool for the back yard.
Jumping on the slide!
The boys loved the pool. I couldn't keep it up all the time because every time we would go outside, Alexander would take off running toward it shouting "WA-WA WA-WA"! LOL

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