Sunday, September 18, 2011

Trip to Cleburne

Back in July the boys and I went to Cleburne to see Mamaw, Papaw, and cousin Michael Danger. It was a good trip and visit though, long with sharing a room with 2 boys and my TMJ driving me crazy.

Boys eating breakfast on the first morning of our visit.

Took the boys to the park that I used to play at when I was a kid. This was the first time Alexander had seen/fed ducks. He liked them alright.

He wasn't scared of them even though the geese were as tall as him and mobbed us for the bread.

After a few minutes though he was bored and took of chasing a squirrel. LOL

He insisted on swinging in the handicap swing

Matthew yelling for me to take his pic too.

My silly boy being silly at LJS.

We spent some time swimming at the hotel pool.
Mamaw throwing Matthew in the pool. LOL

Mamaw and Matthew having a splash ball fight.

Michael Danger being cute!

We went to Mamaw's. Matthew wanted to ride the horses. As soon as Alexander saw them he squealed and took of running toward them and was under the fens before I got to him. He is afraid of most strangers, screams and claws at his Dr but huge animals, No! lol. Decided not to let him ride yet. He was bummed but like watching Bubba ride.

Mamaw and I took the boys to an indoor inflatable playground since it was too hot to play outside.

There was this TBall game that used a cone of air to hold the ball up. Matthew found a much more entertaining use for it!

Goofy boy! I was laughing so hard I was crying.

Later we went to CiCi's. Michael hugged Matthew and said. "you're my best friend" so cute!!

Me and my Michael Danger!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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