Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spinning Fun!

There was a carnival in town this weekend so we decided we would go and have some old fashioned fun. When I was growing up in a tiny town in IL, everyone always came out and went all out for the carnivals, it was all you had to do for fun! Matthew loved it. Talked about it and asked to go all week. We have had some discipline issues with Matthew here lately so we used going as motivation for him to improve his behavior and attitude. I helped a little, but baby steps. Anyways all the rides we rode interestingly enough went in circles (hence the title). Gaelan wasn't feeling very well, so he was the official picture taker!

Here we are on the Ferris Wheel. (sorry for the horrible pic, really bad lighting)
I always loved the Ferris Wheel when I was a kid. Matthew loved it, Alexander tolerated it. He didn't seem unhappy, but not that impressed either. LOL

Next the Carousel.

Alexander didn't like it one bit. Once we started moving he just started shaking and clawing for me. He didn't cry but look like he wanted to. Poor Baby, he's just not as adventurous as Matthew was and is.

Matthew of course loved it!

Click here to see Matthew's first time on a carousel at Indiana Beach.

Matthew's first Roller Coaster!

So much fun!

Then to the Spinning Strawberries.
I wasn't expecting it to start moving yet, gotta love the face! LOL

Spinning while trying not to get motion sick.

So fun and I survived! LOL

Then the rocket ships with a friend from school.

Chillin with Daddy!

Such a cutie!!

The boats

He kept buzzing the horn, his friend wasn't caring for that too much. LOL

Then what ever this ride was, with another friend from school.

They really got into it, they were spinning really fast. LOL
My little Candy Apple

It was a nice, fun night out with the fam!

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