Sunday, July 22, 2007

Our trip to Indiana

Well this past week was great. We went up to Indiana to visit my aunt Bethann (my mother's sister). It was great! Matthew did really well on the plane! The weather was awesome. NO HUMIDITY!!! Never got above 85 degrees. So of course we spent most of the time outside. We were spoiled! With other the rain or the horribly hot weather, we just can't do that here as much as we would like too. We got to swim, got boating, I rode a wave runner for the first time, and just had fun! My aunt and her husband Dave live off a golf course so of course their back yard was just amazing!! Never felt grass so soft as on the putting green. My aunt's husband Dave doesn't really like kids much, but really took to Matthew. Just loves the way he cries. If you have heard Matthew cry then you know what I am talking about, for those of you who don't, I wil see if I can record it, it is hilarious!! Anyways the trip was great, the only bad thing was that Gaelan was unable to come with us:( He had to stay for work, so maybe next time. Here is a slide show of some pics. We also went to Indiana Beach (which is not on lake Michigan, like I thought) It is kind of like 6 flags but smaller, more like a permnant carnival. Matthew had a great time on the Ferris Wheel and the other rides. Gaelan didn't get to see him for more than a week, he swears that he grew a couple of inches, I think he did too, but at least he came back with a new tooth!

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