Sunday, November 21, 2010


Alexander LOVES Mickey Mouse Club. At this age, Matthew couldn't care less about the TV. But Alexander will watch some things. Every morning I feed him breakfast in his Bumbo while he watches (very intently) Mickey Mouse. It's just so funny to see him be interested in the TV. Now he doesn't just watch it all day long, I only have it on for like an hour or so. After he's done eating, he gets out of his Bumbo and start playing, until they start singing a song or "toodles" comes out then he stops what he is doing to watch. He also likes to watch football, (silly boy!)

This has nothing to do with watching TV, but I thought I would share a video of how skilled Alexander is at getting out of his Bumbo. It's funny, we can't keep him in and still like we did with Matthew LOL

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