Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Smart Little Man!

I am so proud to announce that Matthew got Academic All Star for his class!! I am not surprised. Is very intelligent and is very advanced, but still soo proud! Just to give you an idea on how well he did! They were only required to count to 10, he counted to 100. He can also count to 100 and higher by 10's. He can recognize and repeat patterns. They haven't started to test for reading yet, but he is starting to read. He can sound out most words and I just have to help him with words that have certain rules like "ee" our "y" at the end, or "sh", "ch" etc. I am just amazed at how well he is learning to read, since no one is really working with him on it that much. He will ask how to sound out or what a word is and we will tell him to sound the letters out, and then before you know it, he's reading the entire sentence! He is just so smart and just absorbs everything like a sponge! Again SO PROUD of my Matthew!

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