Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Papaw and Memorial Day

Papaw(my grandfather) came for a visit the week leading up to Memorial Day. He was supposed to be here for Matthew's Birthday party, but his wife got sick and had to push it back a few days, but better late than never! (He always comes for Matthew's Birthday, this was the first one he has missed!) We had a great time visiting with Papaw and him getting to know his latest Great-grandchild (#5). My Grandpa has always been great with kids! He took care of me some when I was little while my Mom worked and he is just as good with babies now as he was then.(@ 74!) He was tickled with Alexander and loved to talk to him and hold him, and even helped out when he was fussy.

Matthew and Papaw playing Bunny Hop. Why the hard hat? I have no idea!

Cooking out for Memorial Day.

Papa and Papaw playing Horse Shoes

Getting just a little more swinging before going in for the night!

even Alexander!

Papaw and the Boys!

Thanks for coming Papaw! We had lots of fun and hope that you will be able to come again next year!

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