Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saddle Ridge Ranch!

June 7-11th Matthew went to his first VBS! The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch. James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." The idea being taught was searching for answers, ask God. Matthew had a great time! His teacher said that he did really well following directions and staying focused. This encouraged me greatly because he's not that way at home and I was worried about how he would be in school. She is a special ed elementary teacher and she said he should do great!

Day 1: So excited!

Parents night! All the classes sang some songs!

Here he is singing the opening song "Saddle Ridge Ranch" yet he always sings "celebration ranch", I have tried to correct him, but he won't budge; I guess he still has the right idea though LOL.

Up on stage singing their songs including "Jesus loves me" in Zambian!
Yes I know his hat is on backwards, he had taken it off and then put it back on. I am just glad he didn't hit anyone in the head or something with it on! Shockingly he was the only one dressed up like a cowboy

After the presentation, we went outside to see some real cowboys brand wood for the kids!

Matthew proudly showing off his piece of wood!

My Cowboy and me!

On the ranch! Isn't he just darling!!

last day, up on stage singing and doing the motions to the songs!

He was very upset, didn't want to end, still crying when we told his teacher good-bye!

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