Wednesday, June 2, 2010

#4 Check Ups!

On the 24th, both boys had check-ups. Matthew had his 4 year check-up and Alexander had his 4 month check-up! Both boys are doing great!
He is 33 pounds and 39 inches tall. Doc said he is on the slim side, but he is fine. We have been referred to a Pediatric Orthopedist for Matthew's pigeon toes and other foot issues that he has been having for a while, but doc told us to wait and see if they would correct them-selves. He hasn't had or needed any shots since he was about 15 months and hasn't been to the doc since he was about 2 1/2(hasn't need to) so we had to encourage him to let the doc look in his ears and etc. It took 3 of us to give him his shots, but once they gave him some stickers he was fine!
He is 13lbs 10oz, 24 1/2 long, and head 16 1/2 inches(that's nearly 4inches bigger than when he was born!). He is doing and growing great, even if he is only in the 20th percentile, but you couldn't tell by looking at him, he is a chunk! He is a pound heavier than Matthew was at 4 months, but an inch or so shorter, so he looks even more chunky!! He's my rolly polly baby! He's developing really well too! He tries to sit up all the time. He can hold him self up pretty well while sitting, won't be long before he can do it by him-self. He chats up a storm, it is so cute! He is already getting a tooth! It started coming in about 3 weeks or so ago. The weird thing is that it is a bottom right incisor tooth. Doc says that happens about 1% of the time. If it comes in all the way before any other teeth, he's going to look like a little monster LOL. He loves his big brother, loves to watch him play, run around and be silly! He is very social, loves to be talked too and wants to see what's going on, he even get upset if you leave him alone in a room. He is in love with me LOL. He has to look at me when ever I am in the room. He will be happily playing with Daddy 0r whoever without a care, but if he hears my voice, he has to look for and find me and just stare; it's so cute!

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