Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our Christmas!

We had a wonderful holiday filled with breaks, family, presents, food, and fun! This is the Christmas card that I made for family and some friends on my Christmas gift from the In-Laws; a Cricut Expressions cutting machine.

We had our 1st Christmas with Mimi and Papa a week before Christmas. Matthew very excited about his Dinosaur figures, really into those right now.

Alexander with his talking/flashlight Mater and Lightening.


Mimi and Papa got him all 36 books of the Sugar Creek Gang.

Then the boys went up to OK with Mimi and Papa and gave me a "Momma break". Gaelan and I headed up to Cleburne a couple of days before Christmas. On Christmas Eve we went up to Grand Prairie for Mimi's family Christmas and that's when we got the boys back. The Annual Rogers' Christmas Eve Basketball game.

Boys opening presents.

We had a great time catching up with family, eating good food and the boys playing with cousins. That night we headed to our hotel in Cleburne to get ready for Santa. I made a felt Christmas tree this year so Alexander couldn't knock it down and constantly get in trouble for touching it. Plus it was great because we could put up in the hotel room. Boys in front of the tree.

Daddy reading The Night Before Christmas.

Children all snug in their beds...

Well Matthew anyway...

Alexander took some time getting to sleep.

We woke up early Christmas morning and open presents before breakfast and Church. 1st gift… batteries

Santa's gift for Matthew, a LeapFrog LeapPad. He told everyone at Church he got a iPod touch LOL. He was very excited!

Alexander got a laptop.

Gifts from Momma and Daddy. Games for his LeapPad. "how did y'all know Santa was getting the LeapPad to know to get me the games?". I told him Santa called LOL

His very own cell phone.

After Church we headed out to Mamaw's (my Mom) for lunch and more presents. Matthew playing on his LeapPad.

We had fun hanging out with family, riding horses, playing with cousins, and looking at Christmas lights. It was a great trip! Matthew's gift from cousin Michael Danger… it's very big!

Here it is all put together…

A ROCKETSHIP! Matthew loved so much, he wanted to sleep in it.

We had a blessed holiday and we hope that y'all did too! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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