Sunday, May 15, 2011


So here are some pics of Matthew playing TBall. They are out of order, but all well. ENJOY!!

catching the ball! He also got the boy out!

He hits the ball everytime off the Tee, just not hard, we are working on that.

Running to first, he so fast!

Matthew has been in the make silly faces for pics phase, but Alexander is just so cute, so I had to post it!

Batter up!

waiting to run!

Getting ready to catch the ball, short stop between 1st and 2nd

Cheering for his Bubba!

running to 3rd base.

He loves playing TBall . Not real happy with his coaches, they don't teach him much of anything, but he has fun and that's what it's about! So we teach him what we can at home and he is learning.

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