Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Official...

It's Offical...
I am a "Soccer Mom" even though it's not soccer, but Tball. Our Mondays, Wednesdays (when Cubbies is done for the year), and Fridays (and even some other days of practicing at home) are consumed with batting, catching, throwing, running bases, going back and forth for practice, and rearranging schedules. His first game is April 1st. He loves it!! He loves to hit the ball. He plays center field (pitcher's mound) and still runs after the balls that go all the way out in the outfield! We actually have to tell him to stop so that other kids can get the ball! LOL The coaches love his enthusiasm for the game and doing everything. He tells the coaches that his shoes are super speedy shoes so he's super fast!LOL

Going for the home run!

Ready to catch that ball!
he plays centerfield most of the time, the coach just had him at short stop for this practice.

He is determined to get that ball!!
His team logo and name!

It's Offical...

After a lot of cajoling and bribing, and playing catch with Bubba, Alexander decided that walking was more fun than crawling everywhere and now we don't have to tell him he just goes.

It's so funny the difference between these boys. Matthew just stood and took off running. Alexander, even though he knows he can, still walks carefully and timidly, especially outside or in new situations. At home in the house is about the only place that he will walk as fast as he can and not care if he falls down.

Holding hands with Bubba!

Life is sure getting crazier, but a fun crazy! Can't believe we are considering adding one more to the mix. It's gonna be a while though, gotta get my bearings before we shake things up again! LOL

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