Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some Sun, Some Dirt, and Some Walking!

When the weather finally warmed up, we headed out side and had some fun!
Alexander was sitting on the ground watching Matthew play with his tricycle and he crawled over to it and decided that he wanted to ride it, so we all took turns taking him around.

Even Matthew! This boy (usually) so sweet to his baby brother. He loves to play with him and do things for him! He just loved pushing him around on the tricycle and being a good, nice big Bubba!

Here's a little video of him riding. He'd been riding for about 20min, so he was a little bored with it by the time got the camera out, but still cute!

On another day, I decided that it was finally time to bite the bullet and let Alexander get down in the dirt with his brother. Matthew LOVES to play in the dirt, I think Alexander will follow suit, LOL!

He just adores his big Bubba!
"here Momma, I found a rock"

And just like his Bubba, Dirt all over his face, LOL

Some swinging fun!

We have been working with Alexander on walking for a while, and he has been able to take a few steps here and there, but has been too scared to really do it. He can walk great holding one finger, he doesn't need it, but thinks he does. Well the other day he decided that he wanted to do it more; and kept doing it when we got the camera out, so we finally got on video!!

And now he just takes off walking, mostly of course to play with his Bubba!
Here's a video of them playing chase!

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