Monday, February 14, 2011

A Fire Truck, a Thank You Note, and a Cricut...

Matthew has been learning about Transportation Vehicles in school the past couple of weeks. They were tasked, with parents help, to build a vehicle and Matthew choose to do a Fire Truck! I had a general idea on how to pull it off, but I got some info online and we got busy.
We used:
1. a small box
2. Red Duct tape
3. aluminum tape
4. dowel rods
5. flower arrangement foam
6. felt
7. black electric tape.
8. hot glue
9. Axel hat nuts
10. paper
11. Popsicle sticks
12. a shoe string
13. Glue dots
14. washers
First we wrapped the box in the red duct tape. The instructions online suggested paint, but all I had was washable paint, plus the tape is less messy and will help the truck to last longer.
Matthew helped Daddy to smooth the tape on the box.

I cut the foam circles in half then glued felt to the outside, and wrapped black electrical tape around them. He helped me glue the felt on.
We used the aluminum tape for the bumpers.

Matthew took this picture of the finished tires.

Matthew putting all the pieces together.

can't forget the lights!

Or the Fireman!!
I got a Cricut cutter for Christmas and I have been buying up cartridges. I have one that makes paper dolls, that you can use for scrapbooking, etc. It had a fireman on it, so I thought HEY, we need firemen. I made them the night before he finished the truck and surprised him, he was very happy!

Very Proud of his Fire Truck!

Made the latter out of popcicle and craft sticks

While were making it, he asked about the fire hose. I hadn't even thought about it. I wasn't sure what to use, then it popped into my head, a shoe string. It looks a lot like a fire hose, even has the handle on the end. So I wrapped and glued it together, then glued it to some paper, and he stuck it on! That's my Matthew never misses a detail!

And yes, per the instructions from school, the wheels do turn!

I also got a card making cartridge for my cutter, so I decided to make Thank You notes for all the guests at Alexander's 1 Birthday Party!
Here's how they turned out!

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