Sunday, October 24, 2010

AAH Brothers

I knew that my boys would be different, but didn't expect them to be night and day.
Alexander is the eater and sleeper, Matthew isn't.
As a baby, Matthew could play and entertain him-self for hours, Alexander not so much.
Matthew was long and skinny, Alexander short and stout!
But despite their differences, they love each other and get along really well.
Matthew just loves his brother, loves to play with him, sing to him, be silly just to get a smile or laugh out of him, and loves to help with anything that comes to Alexander.
And Alexander, well... he just loves his Big Bubba!

Matthew holding Alexander and singing him a cartoon theme song.

Matthew and Alexander just playing so well together with one of Alexander's toys

Here's a video of Matthew singing while playing with his brother so well!

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