Sunday, October 24, 2010

9 Months

I know, I know, I am behind, but I have had a lot happen here that kept me from posting, but better late than never!
Alexander at 9 months
*19lbs 8oz and 27 inches long
*All smiles!!

*crawling EVERYWHERE!!

*pulling up and cruising the furniture!

*Did I say all smiles?

*Curious! He is just obssessed with these hats, always staring at them and trying to figure out how to get up to them!

*Drinking from a sippy cup!

*Loves to play!

*Loves to sleep! He sleeps 10 or more hours a night and about 3 to 4 hours of naps a day!

*Hates being in "jail". He is such a Momma's boy and just hates it if he can't follow me from room to room! LOL

*Loves to eat, and not just his food, but every body elses foo TOO!

*Did I mention he LOVES FOOD?!? He is already eating me out of house and home!!

*Getting in to everything! Yep that's food! LOL

*He's like a little puppy begging for food anytime somebody has food, even if he just got done eating!!

*Momma's little helper!

*little stinker

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