Monday, August 30, 2010

This and That!

I was looking thru some pics and noticed that I haven't posted any of these, but didn't really have a particular blog subject for any of them, so here's a hodge podge of pics for your enjoyment!

Alexander decided that he wanted to get a good taste of Daddy's shirt!

So I thought he should try it on!

He loved it!

My cutie boys! They already have a great bond!

Matthew loves Alexander so much, even if he's pulling his hair, the thinks it's funny! :)

Bath-Time Bubble Fun!

They were called Bubble Heads LOL!!

Such a sweet smile!

This past Sunday we enjoyed the nicer weather and spent some time outside!
Gaelan teaching Matthew Tee-Ball.


Homerun!! LOL

Just a swingin'

This boy LOVES to be outside! In the house if I leave the room or not pay attention when I am in the room, he throws a fit. But when he's outside, he will just sit in his swing and just look around and watch his brother play. AND just smile and laugh at you when you look at him!
So sweet!

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