Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of Pre-K!

Matthew had his first ever day of school today! He was so excited! Since the day we went up to the school to get him registered, he's been asking if he could go to school yet! Last Thursday we went up to the school for Meet The Teacher Night. He got to see is classroom and meet his teacher Mrs. Maldonado, and he didn't want to leave. Everyday after that was, "what day is today Momma?" "is it Monday yet Momma?" It was so funny(and a little annoying) that he kept asking, but great to see him so excited!

Here he is all ready to go with his Buzz Lightyear backpack!

We could not find one that was any smaller, poor guy, he's just so small for his age! Those were the smallest uniform shirts they had too. But he doesn't let his size stop him, he has no concept of how small he his, all he knows is that he is a "BIG BOY"!!

Sitting in the cafeteria waiting to go to his class. He kept saying, "can we go to my classroom now?"

Here we are dropping him off. He was so excited and was too concerned with all the new "friends" and things to do that he didn't really care much about us. I had to force this picture out of him! You can tell by the look on his face, he was ready to get started and ready for us to leave him alone! LOL

There were no tears on either side. I didn't expect him to cry, that's just not his way. He is a "dive right into new things" kind of boy and is always excited about going to be happening next. I didn't cry either. I know that a lot of Moms get teary eyed, wonder where the time has gone, and wish that their boy or girl was still that little baby that needed them for everything, but that's just not me. I get excited about the next step too. I was too excited that my little guy was big enough to start school and that what a great and fun adventure he is going to have. Do I miss the little baby that used to smile and giggle all the time? Sure, but I know that my job is not to keep that, but help mold and guide him on how to grow into a good and godly man. Him growing up and being excited about this shows that I am doing my job; which brings me joy! Now don't get me wrong, ask Gaelan. I did fret over some stuff, like him eating his lunch and remembering to tell the teacher he needs to go potty and so forth, but I know that I need to let go and let him grow and figure out how to do things for himself.

Here he is with his class, coming out at the end of the day, you can tell he was still having so much fun!

Here he is with his teacher! Pray for her, she needs prayer being a teacher, especially a Pre-K teacher, but she needs a little more being Matthew's teacher. LOL

She said that he had a good day. The only negative thing she said was that he needs to work on his attention span. I don't disagree with that, I know how hard it is sometimes to get and keep his attention when he wants to focus on something else, BUT he is 4, isn't that an issue with all 4 year olds? LOL But I will still work with him and remind him to pay attention and keep focused. There's no where to go but up!
So proud of my not so little man!!

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