Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brother's Love!

These boys love each other, especially now that they interact more. Matthew is always asking to "play with Alexander"; which means "can I play with his toys while he watches"? It's funny, Alexander just stares and laughs at his brother while he acts silly, making faces and noises. Then Matthew laughs when Alexander smiles and sticks out his tongue. It is just so cute and fun to watch the 2 of them interact with each other!

LOL he can't just sit next to him and play, he has to be "in" there with him.

Just look at those smiles for each other!
I think Matthew loves the exersaucer more than Alexander does. He loves to play with all of the stuff on it, and Alexander just watches and has more fun than when he is in it by himself. LOL

The other day I was putting away laundry in my room and Alexander was playing on my bed. Matthew woke up from his nap, climbed up and they just played and laughed together. Then when Alexander got tired, they snuggled together and watched a cartoon...

until someone fell asleep...SO ADORABLE!!!
Matthew is such a great big brother. Always asking to hold him and feed him. Sometimes though when I let him feed him, he does it for about a min then says "Mommy, I'm done". It's funny, but then sometimes he will do it longer. Alexander is just so enamored with Matthew. He loves to just watch him, even if Matthew isn't paying any attention to him. He watch Matthew and a couple of other boys play at McDonalds that other day. So excited to watch their relationship grow. I know that they will fight, all siblings do, so for now I will enjoy the this wonderful stage!

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