Friday, April 23, 2010

Peanut is 3 months old!

Peanut is 3 months old and is getting bigger everyday! (sorry, this is going to be a little long, but I need to document stuff and this is where I do it {whink and smile}) We went to the doc on the 15th for a follow up on his upper GI and he weighed at 11.5 pounds! I'd bet he's 12 now! As for the upper GI, they said mild reflux, but the doc and I know different, he just didn't show as many symptoms during the test. So because he is still having a lot of acid come up, his meds have changed. The Doc increased his Nexium from 10mg once a day to 10mg twice a day and added a drug called Reglan. Reglan should stop the spitting up and acid coming up because it makes the stomach work faster, but it carries some risk. There is a small chance that he could develop a condition called Tardive Dyskinesia. I asked the Pharmacist about the stats on him getting this condition and did some research online and decided to go ahead with the treatment. As long as he doesn't take too much med and doesn't take it too long, he should be fine. I have reduced the dose the doc gave him just to be on the cautious side. In a way though I think that God has given us a sign that he should be fine, the first day we gave it to him, after he ate he was so happy; smiling a cooing with out promting! He has never done that before! He is usually unhappy after he eats, partly because he hate to stop eating and partly because his stomach usually hurts a little. And because his reflux is so bad that he requires this med, we will be going to see a Ped GI specialist, but won't see her until mid July. So that is what is going on here! Please continue to pray for Alexander! If it could just go away that would be great, but at least pray that the meds will work , not have any ill effects from the meds and that the docs can help and hopefully have a happy baby. I must say, I am not enjoying the newborn stage so far, he is just so unhappy most of the time he is awake, I am ready for him to be happy and pain free!
Besides all of that, all is good except that both boys have a cold. :(
Alexander is getting to be more alert, but still loves to sleep! He sleeps 8 to 10 hours at night and several hour long or more naps a day! Just so different from Matthew, who rarely slept, even at night! This is a typical day: sleep from 11pm till 7:30am, eat, sleep from 8:30 to 11am, eat, have some awake time, sleep from about 12:30 to anywhere from 1:30 to 2:30(sometimes longer!), eat, look around, sleep till 5pm or so, eat, sleep some more, eat again at 7:30 or 8pm, and this is where it gets long! From 8 to 11 he is usually all over the place, alert and happy, but then he gets cranky and ubber hungry and eats and cries for about 2 hours,( I pretty much don't get out of the recliner for those 2 hours) then eats some more then goes to sleep for the night!
Wide-eyed Baby!

His new thing, wagging his tounge about.

So serious...

Happy Baby!

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