Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6 weeks!!

Well, I guess nearly 7 weeks now. I am finding it very hard to find free time and free hands to blog, LOL. Not a whole lot to report. He is just growing. If I had to guess, he is about 9lbs if not more. Even though I see him everyday, I can see how much bigger he is! He can hold his head up really well, whether on his belly or sitting up (more on that later) and is staying awake a little more, though still not the 6 hours a day like all the "experts" say, LOL That's ok, Matthew was a ball of energy since the day he was born and still is. he was always awake and still is, so a sleepy baby is ok with me. I am getting a little impatient waiting on him to start cooing and babbling and smiling though! I did get a couple of great smiles the other day! I was holding him up and talking to him and he just grinned and I got excited and then he let out the loudest toot! I was at the docs, I was so embarrased, didn't know such a little guy could let such a loud and big one go! Then a few mins later I got another grin... that one was followed by a belch to go along with that great toot. LOL!

Matthew loves his baby brother; in his words "my baby" and Alexander just loves his big brother. Whenever he is awake and he hears Matthew, he just looks at him wide eyed!

Brothers having a conversation!

"I love him so much" Matthew says that all the time!

I don't know what it is about my boys and weird positions in swings! Here is Alexander in is swing...

then 5 min later after I had set him back up.

Here is Matthew in his very unconfortable position about 6 months old or so.

The other day I was on the phone and had the baby sitting in my lap and I noticed that he was holding himself (his back and head) up so well, so I thought I would dig Bumbo out and give it a try and sure enough my little peanut did really well. He sat up in it for about 15 min before he got tired and his head slumped down. Now he hasn't spent much more time in it, but pretty soon he will be able to be in it a lot!!
So Big, looking around!

This his how he spends most of his day asleep! Not always on his belly, sometimes in his swing.

I know I can hear people screaming at me to not let him sleep on his belly. Well you tell HIM that! He HATES to be on his back for ANYTHING! Changing his diaper is a race.. to getting the old one off and new one on before he gets so mad that he actually holds his breath and turns purple! Sometimes we have to blow in his face to get him to breath. So before anyone gets upset, that's the way he sleeps and his brother was the same way, would only sleep on his belly; and since he can pick up and move his head and such,(so could Matthew) I am not too concerned about it.

"Helping" Momma cook dinner in Moby!

This boy just loves his Momma and thinks that she can't do anything with her holding him too, so needless to say, Momma wears Moby a lot and he gets his one on one, snuggling and snoozing time up close with Momma!

Speaking of snuggling, here we are having some snuggling before going down for the night.

This baby just loves being close and so did Matthew. Matthew slept in bed with us for about 3 months until he wasn't comfortable anymore and then he moved to his bed. We had not problem with it then, but now we find it hard to sleep with Alexander in bed. We bought one of those co-sleeper things that you put between you and your spouse, and that worked great for him, he got the closeness he wanted with out being on us and he sleeps great in it, but we don't because there is no bed left for us, so we put an large ottoman next to the bed and put the co-sleeper on it, so he is close but not in the bed with us. WE NEED A KING SIZE BED if we are ever going to have to do the family bed thing! LOL
Here he is awake and taking everything in, I actually got him to look at me while I was taking a pic.

He loves to look at the mobile spin above his swing!

Well sorry it was so long but that's what's going on!

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