Thursday, April 26, 2012

Awana Award Ceremony

We are so proud of our Matthew.  He started Sparks this year. He finished the one book he was supposed to do this year, and went half way thru a bonus book! He learned over 30 verses, learned and memorized all 10 Commandments, memorized all the books of the New Testament, and reviewed 20 of the previous verses! He worked hard and loved every minute of it, and learned a lot about Jesus and His Love!!

Matthew getting his Participation Award
 Getting his Ribbon for finishing the book.
 With his Ribbon
 Getting his patch for doing the bonus stuff!
 With all of his Awards!
 Afterward he asked if he could go up to the stage to say a prayer. He wanted to say it in the microphone, but convinced him it would be more appropriate to say a silent prayer. So sweet!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Green Olive

Just wanted to update everyone on how things are going so far.

Me and Baby at 7 weeks!

I am 8 weeks now, and Baby is the size of a Green Olive. Besides some fatigue and a little worsening of my TMJ, I really can't complain. I've had no morning sickness, not even when I got Alexander's stomach bug! That makes me very happy, I absolutely hate throwing up! The only weird thing is eating. I'll be starving and so I'll start to eat and only get about a third of it eaten and then I'll be full, LOL. I saw my OB at 7 weeks and got first look at Baby. Not much to see, except the heartbeat and confirmation ( much to Gaelan's Dad's disappointment) there is only one. So everything is going great. Will keep y'all updated!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Choo-Choo He's 2!

On Sunday Alexander turned 2! We celebrated low key this year, just some cake and presents.

His candles

Singing Happy Birthday

He was sleepy

Blowing out the candles

Starting in on his cupcake

Getting all the frosting off the decoration



A new "Choo-Choo" from Momma Daddy, and Bubba

Another "Choo-Choo" from the fam!

Present from Mimi and Papa

A talking Mater!

Can't believe he 2 already!

YouTube Video

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Gaelan and I would like to announce the upcoming arrival of...

Due in September, but will probably be here in August!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Or how Alexander says… Cheese. LOL

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