Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Green Olive

Just wanted to update everyone on how things are going so far.

Me and Baby at 7 weeks!

I am 8 weeks now, and Baby is the size of a Green Olive. Besides some fatigue and a little worsening of my TMJ, I really can't complain. I've had no morning sickness, not even when I got Alexander's stomach bug! That makes me very happy, I absolutely hate throwing up! The only weird thing is eating. I'll be starving and so I'll start to eat and only get about a third of it eaten and then I'll be full, LOL. I saw my OB at 7 weeks and got first look at Baby. Not much to see, except the heartbeat and confirmation ( much to Gaelan's Dad's disappointment) there is only one. So everything is going great. Will keep y'all updated!

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