Sunday, November 11, 2007

Poor Baby!!!!

Well for the past couple of weeks Matthew and I have been battling what I believe to be a cold, and all that goes with it; snot, buggers and such. So The extra, unnecessary fits that Matthew has been throwing, I have chalked up to not feeling up to par. Well this morning things changed. Matthew go up this morning with a fever over 103. I was somewhat concerned but not freaking out and because he had a lot of drainage and congestion, I assumed that he had an ear infection. I called his doc to see if he wanted to see him on Monday or if the high fever warranted an ER visit, he said ER. So off to the ER we go confident in my assumption of an ear infection and somewhat questioning whether or not it was completely necessary for us to be going to the ER. His new doc is great, an older doctor who worked at Childrens in Dallas and was a pediatric cancer specialist in Hawaii, so who am I to question. By the time we left for the ER, his temp was down to 101.2. We get there and we are triaged and sent back to the Kids Express. I must say that I LOVE the Methodist Childrens Hospital and ER, they are great and very thorough! The Nurse Practitioner checks his ears and says they are all clear. Now I am a little worried, the only other time he has had a fever like this was the ear infection that he had last time. What on earth could cause an out of no where fever like this. The nurse asked about coughing, and I told her just occasionally when he would choke on drainage. She listened to him breathe and decided that he needed chest X-rays to rule out Pneumonia. I am getting really concerned now, I mean he rarely coughed and hardly acted sick with the exception of being a little more irritable than normal, how could I miss that? Well I didn't, the x-rays were clear as where the rapid strep, flu and RSV tests. SO to sum up, just a virus, possibly Roseola. We spent all morning in ER and $50 copay to get the result that nothing could be done, but I guess better safe than sorry. Next time though, I will follow my gut and wait to see the doc, even if he sent us for the same test, it would have been less money! At the same time, you can really tell that Matthew doesn't feel well. If you know Matthew, you know that he doesn't sit still even when he isn't feeling all that well but today is different. He took 2 naps, though not great ones, and laid down on the couch with Daddy and Me for most of the day, only spurts of energy to play. This is rare for him and though a slow down is great, not when he is like this, it's kinda scary. Anyways he is doing alright, the fever has stayed down below 100 since this morning and we are just trying to keep him happy. He already had a temper and was throwing temper tantrums, add not feeling well to the mix and Gaelan and I are walking on egg shells around the little drama king!

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