Friday, November 16, 2007


Well I guess it is now over!!! THANK GOD!!! His fever broke Wednesday morning and he got the rash that appears with Roseola, so that's what it was and boy was it a doozy!! It took him another couple of days after that to feel better though. Wed and Thrusday were almost as bad as the rest, he spent most of those 2 days crying over nothing. Today has been a lot better, he still gets upset, but mostly now I think because he expects to get what he wants like he thought he was when was sick. But for the most part today he has been his normal happy self! Besides a scare early this morning with his temperature dropping down to 94.3 degrees, things are looking up, well for him at least, not so much for me!

1 comment:

The Wilhite Family said...

Ugh...sounds awful...glad to hear you guys are better! We will be up here for Thanksgiving..let us know your plans. Love ya!