Monday, November 19, 2007

18 Months Old!!

Well, its hard to believe that this milestone has arrived so quickly!!! The three months since his 15 month check have been long. frustrating, and painful for our Mr Man. First we had a stomach virus and the 6 weeks of the Big D!!(hopefully everyone has figured that out, I had to explain it to my mom, it was my attempt at trying to keep the experience cute for you!) A week after we got that under control, we got Roseola. Man did that scare us! I have never seen him act so sick. I mean he has been really sick before, but still always a ball of energy, but not with this! Now for the past few days, Matthew has been doing great, with the exception of some drainage and stomach upset with that. So we went into our Docs appt today thinking we would just discuss the usual and get some shots and go home! AAHH!! Man making assumptions has not been my forte the past few weeks. When he came down with the fever with the Roseola, I just knew he had an ear infection, and I was wrong. Well guess what the doc said today? Everything looks good, but he does have an ear infection!!! AAAHHH!!! I had no idea! Of course he has had several that I didn't know he had until I took him to the doc for something else. So he is on meds for the ear infection, a decongestant, and back on Zyrtec to keep his allergies under control and maybe no more ear infections! (Sorry this is so long) Well enough with the negative, lets talk about my big boy!! He really is getting to be a big boy. He is getting better on the talking thing. He can clearly say (and I mean strangers understand him, not just me) Mommy, Datee(Daddy), bubble, bye(with a cute blow you a kiss), hi (with a cute little wave), Ju (for juice), and shoes. He is repeating a lot more and getting better about imitating what we do, some times to my dismay! He loves to watch Dancing with the Stars with me and he does his own little dance with the music, it is so cute! When his doggy sings Pat a cake or says yay, he claps his hands!! He also signs the words more, bite, and milk (with both hands, that's funny too) He still jib jabs all day. Anytime I do ANYTHING with the phone he goes crazy and repeats over and over, Datee, Datee!! Mommy and Datee are the two main words that he uses all day, just over and over, all day long! He had gotten so antsy, staying in so much because of being sick, the other day he woke up saying bye-bye and he went and got my shoes and kept putting them in my lap! So we celebrated feeling better and went to the park today. Our hurdle now is getting this child to eat. He never wants to eat, except for his breakfast; lunch and dinner make no difference to him.

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