Monday, August 6, 2007

My Doggy

I bought Matthew this dog for his first birthday. He played with some, but showed no affection toward it or any other stuffed animal; until we got back from Indiana. When we got home and I handed it to him, he got all excited and took it and hugged it as tight as he could. Now he carries it around and hugs and kisses it and even sleeps with it. It is SO CUTE!!! I ask "where's doggy"? and he will go find him no matter where he is and brings him to the living room and hugs and kisses him. I tried to name it "buddy", but Matthew thought I was saying belly and would come to me and lift up my shirt and poke at my belly. Doggy sings, teaches numbers, letters. colors, and parts of the body.

Daddy reading to me and doggy before bed!

1 comment:

Instantly Mama said...

Jayden has that dog too. I love it! The pictures are adorable and Matthew is getting so big!