Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Visit From Grammy and Pawpaw!!!

Well we got a real treat this past week when Grammy and Pawpaw (Gaelan's Parents) came to visit. Matthew had fun playing with them and getting spoiled. Keeping in fashion of what most new grandparents do they bought him lots of stuff (all clothes this time; which we really needed) and pumped him full of sugar. He got to try many different things while they were here including sugar cookies. Pawpaw wanted him to have some ice cream, but since he isn't allowed to have milk products beside just a little bit of cheese; so he got him frozen chocolate yogurt. He also got a couple sips of very sweet tea, chocolate and cinnamon frapachino, and cherry and coke icee; a bite of barracho beans (barracho in Spanish means "drunk" LOL) and quite a bit of pancakes with syrup. Pawpaw even wanted to give him a sip of coffe, but knew that some one might get hurt if my baby and there for I didn't sleep for 3 days (that some one being Pawpaw, HaHa!) Now some of you might be a freaking out a bit, but I see no need. None of this would hurt him, maybe make him a little hyper, but we are always hyper so not much change there. He got to experience a lot of new things through this spoiling like very cold, and it's their first grandbaby and this comes with the territory. You should have seen the face that Matthew would make when he took the first few bites of the frozen yogurt. He would squish up his nose and make a bitter face but then get excited and want more. We also went to the Zoo. Now this wasn't as exciting as you might think. He looked at most of the animals, if he could see them, but usually just stared at them like "ok, so what is so specially about that?". He got more excited to see a ceiling fan in the fish building, little kids running around and cars passing us as we walked back to our car, than atthe animals. He did like the fish tanks that he could stand up at, but he will enjoy it more when he can understand a little more of the different things around him.

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