Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Home Again!!!!!

Well all I can say "PRAISE THE LORD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!" We sat down and looked at our taxes some more and discovered some deductions that we forgot about and we ended up cutting what we owed by more than half, so there is no longer a need for me to work. We have enough in savings and some other things that have adjusted our budget so that we could get a loan to pay what we owe, and it not hurt us financially. Besides the fact that I get to be home with Matthew again, me not working at this particular job worked out for the best. There were some issues with the management and the care of Matthew that raised some flags for me, but I was stuck in needing the job so not much could be done but to suck it up and deal with it. So needless to say that we are all thrilled, especially Matthew!! He was fine at daycare and he had fun, but you could see the impact on him when he was home with me, very clingy and whiney and always wondering if I was going to leave him; now his worries are over!! Now getting back to our old schedule will be a challenge. His schedule had to change due to the hours that I worked and the fact that he wanted to stay up later to spend more time with Daddy and me. Poor little guy has had to do a lot of adjusting, but now things will be fine.

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