Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A New Friend Coming Soon!!

We went to Brownwood this weekend to visit some friends and go to a baby shower. We had a great time visiting with my college room-mate, her husband and 2 precious children. Her eldest Makayla is the cutest!! She is always putting on a show; singing and dancing, a typical girly girl!! Makayla's little brother is also just so cute, all smiles. Makayla calls Hayden her "baby boy" and when he was asleep, then she borrowed Matthew!! We also went to my best friend's baby shower. Nessa and Justin are very excited about their soon to be baby; we don't know what it is, it's a surprise!! Tia Nessa and Tio Justin love to see Matthew and spend lots of time playing with him and Makayla and Hayden!! (Tia and Tio are aunt and uncle in Spanish, she is part Hispanic and part Greek, she doesn't look Hispanic...haha) We had a great time, except for the fact that Matthew refused to sleep in his bed, he would only sleep with us. He is going through a weird clingy phase, I don't know if it is because he doesn't feel good or if he is just changing, we will have to adjust! Holly, Matthew, Hayden, and Makayla!
Hayden, what a cutie!!

Makayla, always the life of the party!!

Tia Nessa and Tio Justin and soon to be Baby !!!!

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