Wednesday, July 20, 2011

School Recap...retry

I tried to do this a couple of weeks ago and it erased it. I know I have been really bad about blogging and I am so far behind. The truth is that now that I have an iPhone, I am NEVER on my computer and actually hate being on it now LOL I will have to work on it.
So anyways, here is a update of Matthew's progress in school
*He can write his name very well as well as writing almost anything you tell him to
*He can do simple addition and subtraction and also solve and create word problems
*He has not only memorized all the sight words for Pre-K but for Kinder as well.
*As you will see, he is very good at art
*His teacher loved him and was beside herself on what to do with him. He ended the year reading at 1st grade level. She did what she could with him, but with 17 other kids, many behind in their skills, she couldn't just devote all her time to him. This was her first year teaching and was really surprised to have such a gifted student. He read all of her level books that she had (by the end of the first half of the year). She actually apologized to me because she thought that she had done all that she could for him and didn't know what more she could do. She was always sending extra stuff home for him to do and he loved doing homework. I was very pleased with her. I wish that the school had more resources for gifted children but they don't. All extra resources are devoted to those who struggle and are behind, which is a good percentage of the student body. We have talked about advancing Matthew to 1st grade but we are going to wait. Matthew never complains of being bored or that he already knows the material. The teacher says that he is a great student and helper and when he already knew something, he would help other students with the lesson. So until he complains that he is bored or shows signs of being bored like acting out, he is going to stay where he is. We will just do extra stuff with him at home to keep him moving forward. I bought him a curriculum book to do this summer and had to go to the 1st grade level for it to be more than just repeating what he already knows. He is a very bright and smart boy and it just amazes us everyday at what he can do.
Here is his portrait of our house.
His very good Handwriting ;-)
Look at how well he colors this picture!
His Volcano/Dinosaur picture
I know, a LOT of bragging, but I can't help it, He is just SO SMART. Getting closer to reading at 2nd grade level every day!

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