Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Matthew!

Can't believe that it has been 5 years since Matthew came into our lives! He's is so smart, full of energy, and quite a handful. I am hoping age five will be much better than three and four. It has been a long last couple of years in discipline terms. Just amazed at how much this boy has grown and how smart he is. I am looking forward to the year to come and praying that some maturing will come with this age!

We had the party the weekend before his birthday this year. I usually don't do that because I don't like doing before he is actually that age, but since Papa and Mimi and to go to Chicago the next weekend, we moved it up so they could be there!

Just had to be Toy Story themed!

He really enjoyed Bubba's cake

This little girl loves Matthew and she is so sweet!

We practically had to force him to eat the cake, and have nearly every year so I have decided from now on, NO MORE CAKES. We will try something different.

Rented a bounce house and it was a good investment!

And since his 3rd Birthday, CASCARONES!!

Had 4 dozen of them, so it was on!

Even Alexander had the joy!

Then we all ganged up on Matthew and christened him good!


Reading his card, yes I said READING!!

Alexander had to help, LOL

Having fun with the bag!

I made a cookie cake for his party at school on his actually Birthday!

I love this boy and God has truly blessed us with such a smart, energetic, loving, funny, and cutest boy ever!!

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