Friday, February 4, 2011


I can not believe we have snow all the way down here. If you know me, you know that I am not a fan of the stuff. I hate being cold and I lived with the stuff for 4 years, it gets old. But it is fun every once in a while. We didn't get much, probably not even an inch. Just enough to cover the hood of the car and fill in the deeper parts of the yard, like the drive way.

This is Matthew's first time seeing snow!
He was actually more disappointed that he couldn't go to school, LOL

He wanted to have a snowball fight, but the snow was packed and frozen together, so couldn't really get any up.

Alexander loves being outside and cries when we go from the car to the house, and not stop to swing or whatever, so I took him outside to check out his first snow.

He didn't care for it much. He was very upset that he didn't get to swing, but there was quite a bit of snow and ice in it.

So all in all the review of the now are like 2 out of 5 stars. Matthew liked the snow, but not enamored with it. He stayed outside like 5 min. Alexander, not a fan, as of yet anyways.

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