Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One REALLY long Christmas blog

Ok, so I know that this is REALLY long, but I didn't want to take time to write a half dozen different entries and take time away from what I was doing to do it, and decided to just stay up late and get it all done in one nite!! So hope you have a drink and have gone to the bath room, cuz it's gonna be a long ride HAHA!

1st, Santa Pics!!
Alexander, not liking it so much! Poor Santa. The helpers and I kept trying to get him to stop crying, after just a couple of mins, Santa was like, "let's just take the pic" ahaha! He was very nice and I thought it was funny. I am sure it gets really old after a while. I know he's screaming, but I still think it's cute!!

Matthew all smiles as usual! Just wish the boy would look at the camera!

Matthew's Pre-k Class had a Christmas Party the Thursday before school let out, I decided to do treat bags with Gingerbread Cookies(Matthew's idea on the cookies). It was a lot more work than I expected, but ended up enjoying it. (it literally took me ALL DAY and NITE the Saturday before, to get 60 cookies done!)

Matthew helping me decorate a few cookies.

Matthew decorating his very own Gingerbread man and Stocking.

His Guy,

tasting his guy, very yummy!!

The final cookie results!
The treat bags, I used the ornaments as name tags for the bags!

The Wednesday before school got out, The Pre-K kids had a Christmas program where they all sang one Christmas song. Matthew's class sang Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. I heard it everyday, several times a day for like a month. Not only did he know his song, he knew all the other classes' songs too(all 8 of them)!!!
Here is a video of them singing, I must say, he's so stinkin' cute!! Such a performer!!

Waiting to sing!
All ready!!

Such a ham!!

He got so carried away, he kept have to fix his antlers!! LOL

Afterwards, yep that's red lipstick on his nose, haha!
They also had a raffle for the PTO. I wasn't sure what all they were raffling and wasn't sure about participating, but gave a dollar at the last minute. I didn't think Matthew would win any thing, and if he did, not anything major and the money would help the PTO, so why not. BOY was I surprised when the school called me Friday morning and told me that Matthew won a BICYCLE!! They didn't tell ne that they would be giving away anything that big, nor did I expect it since it was only a dollar!! I was so shocked!! I was like "a real bike, like an actual full sized bike?" they laughed at me. (Some of his friends put in like $10 or more, and didn't get anything)
He was so happy!! He has seen bikes and has asked for one here and there, but never was just dying for one, so we weren't in a hurry, but he was so excited!!

This isn't the actual bike that he won. The one he got was a 16' bike, but he was just too short for it. We were going to keep it and just hold on to it for the summer or so. I knew that Gaelan's parents were getting him a Big Wheel, I knew that he wouldn't miss it and would love riding the Big Wheel. But that Big Wheel(pictured later) didn't work out because he was too short for it too!! Poor Guy!! He has two great bikes and couldn't ride them. So I took the Bike back to the store and traded it in for the smaller one!
Christmas #1

The Saturday before Christmas we opened our gifts and gifts with Gaelan's parents. We decided to go ahead and open our gifts(minus Santa) at home instead of hauling them up to my Mom's just to haul them back along with more.

Boys getting under the tree!

Since Matthew is getting really good at reading and can read everyone's name, he played Santa and didn't need any help at all!

Of course since it's Alexander's 1st, we let him open his gifts first!!

From Mimi and Papa!!

Puzzles from Mimi and Papa

Opening Momma and Daddy's gifts!

Musical Book! He's just about wore out Matthew's old one, so we got him a new one!
LOVES IT, plays with all the time!

GLOW WORM!! When he saw it lite up and sing, he just grinned so big, he loves sleeping with it! I had one a sa kid, so when I saw them, I knew I had to get him one!

Matthew's Turn!!

From Mimi and Papa! Toy Story 3!!

Toy Story Fishing Pole!
He was so excited, and then disappointed when he was too short. Daddy and Papa are gonna try to figure something out, but have been able too yet. Must say when it came to both the Bicycle and the Big Wheel, he took it pretty well when he couldn't ride them, such a BIG BOY!!
One more from Mimi and Papa (so spoiled) Bertie the Bus for his Thomas set! He has been wanting one for a long time!!

Opening gifts from Momma and Daddy
Very excited about the Trio Blocks!! He already had some, so now he (and Daddy) can build bigger and cooler things!

Mr Potato Head from what else... Toy Story!

Mimi's gift from he Boys! A mouse pad with a picture of all of us!

Me Very excited about getting my Cricut Cutter!!!
Alexander helping Daddy open his gift, or trying to get his glasses... not sure ahaha!

Papa's gift from the Boys, a coffee mug with a pic of him and his 2 favorite boys!
Christmas #2
We had our next celebration with Gaelan's Mom's Side of the family
Here's the whole gang!!!
Our family

Alexander opening his gift from Grandaddy and Annmaw

"reading" the tag! LOL

Eating the tag!!

Grandaddy and the boys!

Christmas #4
We spent Christmas Day at my Mom's
Alexander opening his gift from Santa

Matthew's gift from Santa, another Thomas Train

Mator's Cartoons from Papaw!

Clothes from Papaw, (so NEEDED these!)

From Uncle Justin and Trina

Snuggling with Mammaw and glow worm!

On our way home we got to meet up with some old friends on their way home.
Alexander and Nessa!

Matthew has been quite the ladies man at school, but Jessica has always been his #1 gal. She tells everyone that Matthew is her Prince and that she wants to marry him. Now Matthew has been hearing all this talk, and has gotten a little bit embarrased by it all. When he hears us tell people about what Jessica says, he says "no, I'm not a boyfriend, I'm just a regular boy!" So funny!
Here's the first picture of them together, all smiles!!

Then we took another one, this time I said "Say Wedding Bells" and this is the face that Matthew made!!!

So STINKIN" FUNNY!! no one told him to make that face, he just did it! I was laughing so hard!! But he loves her and misses here very much!!

Alexander trying to get Coach's sun glasses!

Kylie and Gaelan! Girls love 'em!

We also got to see some friends we hadn't seen in a few years, it was great getting together with the Carnes, but the camera was packed, so no pics :(

When we got home, of course Alexander was asleep. Usually he wakes up when we open the door, not this time, he was pooped! He didn't sleep hardly at all while we were gone(nor did the rest of us)
He was so tired that he slept in his car seat until 2:30 in the morning! That's saying something, he hates that carseat, especially after a long trip!
It was an exhausting but fun trip. We enjoyed getting to see family and friends and just fellowshiping with everyone. Hope everyone a a very blessed Christmas.
Our Christmas didn't have such a happy ending though, everyone from Gaelan's Mom side of the family(including us) got a stomach bug, spanning from Saturday thru Monday. Guess we shared more than the Christmas Spirit. LOL

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