Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The 4th!

July 4th weekend, we were blessed to have our good friends to come and stay with us for a few days and visit! If you remember I used to baby sit Jessica. Well now they have a new addition to their family Kyley! We had so much fun, hanging out, playing with the kids, playing with each other, and just being together! We miss them very much and hope to see them again soon and maybe make our 4th celebration a tradition!

My girl and me!

Kyley Faith! Almost 4 months old!

She is so cute and precious!

Gaelan loves both girls, wish we could have one! I told him that I wish I could give him a girl because he would be a great little girl's Daddy, he said that he would just borrow Jessica and Kyley.
Alexander loves his Daddy so much! Even as a chew toy!

These 2 were intrigued with each other. Kyley would just stare at Alexander and Alexander was always trying to get his hands on her, LOL

These 2 saw each other and didn't miss a beat, it's like they have never separated. They immediately started playing and running and fight like they always did, no awkwardness at all!

Jessica has her own language and all weekend she was teaching it to Matthew, it was so funny!
They even shared a stroller seat while we to the Mercado downtown SA

Jessica is very much into Disney Princesses.
While we were walking around, she told Matthew that he had to walk next to her because he was her prince LOL SO STINKING CUTE!!
July 4th The kids made cup cakes!

There were no local fireworks here, so the "Men" went and bought some and we put on our own fireworks show!
Here I am with the opening, SPARKLERS!!

Then the real show started. It wasn't like the big shows of course, but the kids LOVED it, and that's what matters!

Our Family Photo! (We look like tourists, especially with my keys on my hip, but all well)
Our Little Patriots!

It was a great weekend!

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