Thursday, March 25, 2010

2 Months old!

Well Peanut is 2 months old! He is doing alright! His head is over 14 in(started at just over 12), 22 in long (started out at 18) AND 10lbs 10oz!!!! (started out at 5lbs 14oz)
Some of you might or might not know, but Alexander has been dealing with spitting up and some really bad acid reflux issues. Despite the amount this little guy spews out everyday he is gaining weight well, so I and the docs are not worried about it. What still worries me is the acid. Despite being on 15mg of Prevacid a day(ADULT DOSE!), the acid is still coming up, even when he doesn't spit up. He will be sitting in his swing or you could be holding and all the sudden he will start to choke and grimace and you can tell that he is trying to keep the acid down. Matthew spit up all the time, but once he was put on the Prevacid, the acid wasn't a problem. Also with Matthew, when he would spit up, it would just come out, no warning. Sometimes it is like that with Alexander, but a lot of the time, it is forcing up! You know when he is going to spit up because you can see him make the faces and sounds like one does just before they throw up! And you can smell it on him a lot. Also the poor little guy just gets horrible gas and stomach pains. He will be happy and then all the sudden just go to screaming. So the doc put him on Nexium 10mg a day(Half a adult dose). He said that it usually doesn't work any better than Prevacid in children, but sometime for some babies it does, so he said lets give it a try for a month and see what happens. I asked about allergy testing to make sure that something I was eating wasn't making it worse, but he is too young, but I have decided to try removing Dairy(though I don't really eat that much) from my diet to see if that helps or not. In the mean time Alexander will have to do a Barium Swallow/Upper GI to see what all is going on and to make sure that there isn't something physical other than immaturity causing the spitting up and the acid issues. That in itself is going to rough. Besides the Barium junk he has to drink and the radiation; the appt is at 8:55 in the morning, we have to be there half an hour early and he can't have ANYTHING to eat after 5am!! He usually sleeps thru the night. He goes from about 12am until about 6 to 8 am without eating. So not eating after 5 am is not good. So I am going to have to wake him and myself up a few times during the night so he can bulk up; but I know that he is going to be very unhappy until he will get to eat again, he screams bloody murder when he is hungry! So please pray for Alexander (and us) for the next few weeks. The test will be on April 1st. Pray that the Nexium works and that the acid can get under control and he can feel better! Poor baby spends most of his day, eating, sleeping or crying. Pray that the Barium test will go as smoothly and as little stressful as possible. Please pray for the rest of us as we are dealing with it, sometimes the screaming can get to you and the feeling of not being able to comfort him is hard.
Getting ready to go see the Doc

What his onesie says isn't completely true, I had to get it anyway! :)

A half Smile! I can get a couple smiles out of him a day if I am lucky! I am ready for him to really get the hang of is, so I can see it all the time!

Sleeping baby, what he does A LOT!! Can't wait for him to be awake more often!

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