Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas x 4

Our Christmas was long but good and fun!

Here is our Christmas Tree. This was the first year I put one up since before Matthew was born, didn't want to deal with a baby climbing all over a tree.

Took Matthew to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa, couldn't take my own pics since they gave us one for free, but the had a winter wonderland thing going on so we took some pics in that

They just love each other, especially Jessica! She just adores her "Ma-shoes"

Next to the Reindeer With Matthew's Cheesy Grin! So Funny he says "cheese" and just makes the cutest face.

Picture with Santa at the Mall!
Our 1st Christmas, with Gaelan's Parents in OK. We had a great time and was very cold!

There's my ham, so cute in his Christmas suit, Thanks Mimmi
We had our Family Christmas in OK too, Gaelan had to be on call for work this year and had to be in San Antonio for Christmas, so we did ours early.

Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Mimmi, PaPa, and Santa for all the great toys.

Daddy, PaPa and Matthew playing with some of those new toys

Our 2nd Christmas was with My Family in Cleburne on Christmas Day!
My nephew Michael Danger digging in to Christmas dinner!

Matthew holding up his new Thomas shirt he got. THanks Mamaw, Pops (that's what he calls my Mom's boyfriend), Papaw, Uncle Justin, Aunt Renae, and Michael for all the gift cards and gifts!

Michael Danger opening all the clothes his Aunt Norney got him(that's me) This might be the last Christmas I see him for a while, my brother, his girlfriend and kids are moving to SC

That is Faith,Pop's niece, Matthew called her "my girlfriend" and followed her around and made her carry him, it was so Funny!!
Giving her a kiss!

Our 3rd Christmas was with Gaelan's Grandparents in Dallas, I didn't get any pics because Matthew wasn't feeling good or something and screamed and cried that whole time we were there, Thanks Brandy, Jon, Landon, Cooper, Mike, Karen, Grand-daddy and Annemaw that all the great gifts
Our 4th Christmas was with My Step Daddy, Doug, his wife Tammy and their daughter Ivana.
He came down from IL to see us and my brother. Gave us a lot more toys and had fun hanging out with them. He hung on to Ivana like he did Faith.
Matthew and Papa Doug playing guitar hero, Matthew said he was an Imagination Mover. That is a show on the Disney Channel that he watches, they are a band that sings and solves problems
Like I said it was a long Christmas, filled with lots of driving and miles, but lots of fun and toys (too many LOL) Great to see every one! Happy New Year!!!

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