Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Medical Stresses

After Matthew got back from OK, he had some medical issues. We have been to the doc and so many different docs so much this past month, we are exhausted, but we are fine now. It started with Constipation. ( I know that most of you wouldn't want to hear about but it is important) We went to the doc and got x-rays taken. It showed that he was severely constipated but nothing physically wrong with him. The doc put him on a laxative and said 99% of the time constipation is caused by diet. I wasn't sure what that could be. He gave me an article to read. Matthew loves fruits, veggies, and grain. He is not a big meat eater. The only thing I could figure is milk. He already has issues with cows milk when he has diarrhea so I thought that maybe he is sensitive to milk. So I put him on soy milk and the doc said he preferred that, cows milk wasn't made for people, but cows. So we are getting that in check. It had to be dealt with or we would never get him potty trained. He is also seeing my chiropractor to help with his constipation and he loves it, calls it getting tickled! Once we got that settled, I noticed Matthew crossing his eyes every now and then. At first I didn't think anything of it but it continued to be more frequent. Then I noticed that his right eye crossed more than the left, almost to the point where you could barely see the iris some times. I was very freaked out. So back to the doc we went and he sent us to an Opthamologist. He looked at him and said that Matthew was just more farsighted than most kids his age. (all babies and toddlers are farsighted, in the beginning they don't care if something is blurry, but as they become more stimulated, they out grow 0f it) So now he needs glasses. As for his right eye, it is lazy. Now that doesn't mean that it just goes off to one side, but that when Matthew is looking at something up close he has to focus harder and then he crosses his eyes, at that point his right eye just stops working and his left eye does all the seeing. So after 6 weeks of wearing his glasses, he will start patches to get that eye stronger. The doc believes he won't have to wear glasses all of his life, maybe just a few years and that fact that Gaelan, his parents and others on his side of the family are nearsighted, that might work in Matthew's favor for correcting his vision. His glasses are pretty strong and thick. He has done great, hardly messes with them; with one exception of breaking the nose piece once. The doc said he would want to wear them because it would improve his vision so much!

This pic doesn't even show the worst of it.

We also had a follow up visit with the Pediatric Neurologist. He just wanted to check in Matthew. He was impresses with Matthew and the fact that he knows all his colors and numbers 1-5, he was actually taken aback that Matthew recognized and knew those numbers. Thank God we are all well now and things are being corrected.

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