Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our First Haircut!

Sorry it took so long to get this posted! We got our 1st haircut on Monday. His hair in the back was getting really long and I had hoped that it would curl, and sometimes it did. For the most part however, it just stuck out like an old man's hair and no matter what I did or product I used, it wouldn't submit. So I tried to cut it my self and it was ok, but he moved around a little and I got it all uneven so I broke down and decided to pay somebody the outlandish amount of $10 to do it. ($10 to cut a little kids hair, especially Matthew who had very little to begin with, 6 months ago he had none! Plus I had done most of the work!) He of course freaked out. Now the story goes that Gaelan hated getting his hair cut when he was little because he didn't like the sound of the clippers and I would believe that of Matthew as well(since he is horribly afraid of the vacuum and blowdryer), but he started crying long before the clippers came out! He loves to say hi to people as we go thru our day at the store, mall, etc; but as soon as they try to come up to him or touch him and he starts crying and getting really upset. This was the reason for the freaking out at the hair place. he just could not understand why this stranger was touching him and holding his head and that I let her do it. I tried bribing him with a Peanut butter cracker (his choice food of the month, he eats like 2 packs of 6 a day and more if I let him, all day long it's "cracker?, cracker?"; which he says really well, but I digress) but that did no good. We put him in a chair that was like a car, that didn't work either; of course once it was all over and we were getting ready to leave that's all he wanted to with that car! So anyways, long story short. His hair looks great! I thought to myself after it was done that he looked like a little Marine, and when Gaelan got home, he said that very thing when he saw the pics (Sorry Daddy, apparently Gaelan wanted to be there for his first hair cut, I had no idea. He kept telling me that it needed to be cut and I finally broke down on Monday when it wouldn't comb down, so I just did it.)

The Calm before the storm! It was a kid's hair place. They even have TVs so the kids can watch whatever to keep them calm and still, but Matthew is just now starting to even look at the TV so he didn't care.

Freaking out!!

I look so handsome!

1 comment:

Nessa said...

Such a big boy now.....Jessica is almost due for her first hair cut. Can't wait to take pics of that one!