Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Feeding the Ducks

We went to the duck pond last Saturday and Matthew really got into it. He figured out how to tear the bread and throw it so the ducks would come up and eat it. Of course we forgot the camera and when we tried to recreate it on Sunday, the ducks decided they weren't hungry. So we came back today, though now it's not only the ducks that we have to worry about eating the bread, it's Matthew! He has also picked up a few more words; Duck (or in Matthewese Du! he always yells it), Bite (or bihe, which right now also means drink so sometimes we have to figure out which one he wants), Doggy (dog-a), Passy (Pa-e). He has done a complete turn around on the learning to talk thing, i am very excited! He did the cutest thing yesterday. We were on our way out the door when I said "wait I have to get my phone in case Daddy calls", I turned around and he had went and gotten his pretend house phone off the table to take with him as well, and he put it up to his ear and took off out the door. Of course since we were on our way out, I didn't get a pic. There are 2 videos of him feeding the ducks, sorry about that, I accident stopped for a second.

In a hurry to go feed the Ducks!

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