Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We are sick...aren't we?

I took Matthew to the doc today (Monday). I didn't think that there was anything really wrong with him. I just wanted to have a rash that he has on his legs checked out (nothing) and dicuss milk options since he is on a low lactose formula. He has a 12 month check-up in May after his birthday, but I needed to find out what to put him on to let WIC know, my appointment with them is before our docs appointment. He had a slight, and I mean slight temp at the docs office (100.4) his normal is usually 99.6 so I wasn't concerned The doc looked him over, and we noticed a different rash on his trunk and she came to the conclusion that he must be getting over a cold (he has had a runny nose, but nothing to worry about) and that the cold virus must have caused the rash and the slight fever. So anyways... we get home and eat and nap. When he wakes up he feels a little warm so I decided to check his temp just out of curiousity. It was 102.6. So now I am little concerned, we went to the doc well and left sick? He didn't really act like he was sick, even when it spiked up to 103 in the middle of the night, instead of going back to sleep after I checked it, he stayed up for a couple more hours and played. Very Weird. The only other sign that he might be sick is that he has the big D!! Anyways, just weird.

Playing in the kitchen, a big NO NO, but we didn't have the gate shut so he took advantage!

We will be walking soon!! He can stand up and play for a couple minutes without holding on to something and he has taken a few steps by himself!!

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