Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well how about this for a first official blog! Matthew is a pretty hyper and happy little boy normally, even while the first 2 came in. Now he is getting one on the top, and it has thrown him for a loop!! First of all he has been pretty whiney and clingy!!! Second he has been taking long naps, and I mean long. As most of you know, Matthew is not one to sleep, usually no more than an hour, but the past few days he has taken 3 hour naps!!! Last Sunday when it was so nice, we took him to the park and put him in a swing and he loved it, laughed and laughed, however today was a different story. He just sat in the swing and looked at me like "why are we here, I want to go home"! So anyways, the past few days have been a little weird, but I am sure (I hope) that things will get better in the next few days, it is just hard seeing him just so Blah! He is anything but usually!!

1 comment:

Mommy~Miiller said...

This is sorta wierd but my daughter cut a top tooth today. It is not one of the first 2 teeth that are to come in on top it is to the right of them! Shr has been clingy and taking long naps the past 2 days! I am Charley that has the mom group in SA!