Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just Blogging to Blog!! Haha!!

Well nothing special has happened today, except just spending time with Matthew (every minute with him is special). I just wanted to blog, I am bored give me a break. Now that Matthew has figured out how to jump, he just loves to be in his Jumperoo (refer to previous blog and video). So anyways, all his movement has inspired me to get off my fat bum and get some exercise!! So we went to the fitness center here at our Apt. As I walked on the treadmill and trekked on the stationary bike, he just looked at me like "what on earth are you doing?" It was cute. Also today I entered him in to LIVE with Regis and Kelly's Beautiful Baby contest, so be ready to vote if he becomes a finalist; and why shouldn't he, He IS the Cutest EVER!!! Haha, I am not at all bias. I entered the pic of him wearing the green hat (refer to previous post). So anyways (again) we have been working on our small motor skills, picking up and putting small stuff in our mouth, like puffs. I have worked and worked with him and he had showed no interest. I have no idea why, I guess he just figured that "why should I do it when Momma is right there" lol. Well just the other day he decided to do it, and now he is great at it. So of course I recorded it, and put it here, haha!!! I also recorded and posted him eating; he decided to be silly and wag his tongue about. I know that they aren't that entertaining but I am sure the grandparents get a kick out of them anyways; especially Grammy and Pawpaw!!! They want me to record every moment and post it, but who can blame them, its their first grandbaby!!! And they live 8 hours away!! Well that is pretty much it, so here are the videos, enjoy!!

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